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The Best Youtube Channels for English


There are many channels on You Tube for teaching English in different ways and for different ages. 

توجد قنوات كثيرة على اليوتيوب لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية بطرق مختلفة و لكل الاعمارو المستويات  .

1- Cocomelon  

It is for Nursery. There are a lot of interesting Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs. It has more than 113 million subscribers. Come down to CoComelon Lane where the fun don't stop! Join the best kids songs and nursery rhymes live stream!
هذه القناة خاصة للأطفال في سن الحضانة. هناك الكثير من أغاني الأطفال. لديها أكثر من 113 مليون مشترك.تعال إلى حيث لا تتوقف المتعة .👍
It is one of the easiest channel to learn English on YouTube.
Learn English with - The Fastest, Easiest and Most Fun Way to Learn English. Start speaking English in minutes with Audio and Video lessons.
Englishforyoutv is a free Channel for English learners. With 'English For You' course, you can get excellent English set, which has been prepared by worldwide famous linguists in a classroom ambiance and involves whole course curriculum. Includes 3 levels: Beginner, Elementary and Intermediate. 
It shows very amazing videos. Their
videos contain lots of conversations on various topics that will help you improve your English vocabulary and spoken English. You can also learn grammar in a fun way, easy to understand by almost anyone! The English level used in our videos ranges from beginner to upper-intermediate. Learn English in an entertaining way! 
