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Present Continuous Tense


  Present Continuous Tense   زمن المضارع المستمر

👉 Form: التكوين   

am / is / are + v. + ing   

am/is/are + reading


👉When adding ing to the verbs, we omit e from the end                                     ing- الفعل المنتهي بـ e  تحذف قبل إضافة

invite       inviting     /           argue        arguing  

👉 When a verb ends with pronounced e or ee  

أما إذا انتهي الفعل بـ e منطوقةأو   ee  فلا تحذف :         

      free      freeing    /     see    seeing   /  be     being    

👉 When a verb ends with ie , ie are replaced with y+ing      

y+ing   إذا انتهي الفعل بـ  ie    تحذف و نستخدم

    tie      tying   /    die      dying    /      lie        lying

👉 Double the last letter before adding the "ing" in a single-syllable verb with a vowel:

 مضاعفة الحرف الأخير  قبل إضافة ing  في الأفعال المكونة من مقطع واحد وبها حرف متحرك 

    hit        hitting     /     run     running    /   stop     stopping

        Exceptions: verbs ends with "w"    "w" ما عدا الافعال المنتهية ب

     grow     growing   /   throw     throwing  / row    rowing

👉 Double the last letter in the two-syllable verbs before adding ing

 مضاعفة الحرف الأخير في الافعال المكونة من مقطعين  قبل إضافة  ing

      begin       beginning     /    prefer          preferring            

    admit       admitting      /    regret          regretting


👉 Usage: الاستخدام    

Present continuous tense expresses an action that is happening now or at the moment of speech 

يعبر المضارع المستمر عن فعل يحدث الآن أو لحظة الكلام :

- Look! he is drawing cleverly.

- I can't see you now. I'm revising for the exams.

- Sandra is playing tennis at the moment. She is practising for a competition.


👉Key words

  و يستخدم المضارع المستمر مع الكلمات الآتية :

 now - at the / this moment فى هذه اللحظة  - still -  look! - listen! - Watch out! - at present فى الوقت الحاضر


- Look! A car is coming.         - They are playing tennis now.

- At the moment, I'm doing research on a computer program for my company.


Sometimes the situation indicates continuation

⇚ أحيانا يدل الموقف في الجملة علي الاستمرار :

  - Please don't make so much noise. I'm working.

  - Where's Aly? - He's having a bath.          - Take care! A bus is coming.

  - What are you doing?  - I am writing a letter.

 ⇛⇛The present continuous tense is used to express an event that is already arranged to happen in the future:

  يستخدم المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن حدث تم الترتيب  له أن يحدث فى المستقبل :

  - We are having a party tomorrow.      - I am traveling to London tomorrow.

( We have arranged everything for the party / I am ready for traveling. I got visa, tickets and everything for traveling)

  ⇛⇛⇛ But we use "am / is / are going to + inf." To express future plans, intentions and decisions:

⇚⇚ ولكن نستخدم am/is/are going to + inf. للتعبير عن الخطط والنوايا والقرارات المستقبلية :

  - I'm going to spend the summer holiday in Alexandria. ( I intend to do so)

👉 Passive Form.

يتكون المضارع المستمر في حالة المبنى للمجهول من:

Obj.+ am/is/are +being + P.P.

  مفعول + am / is / are + being +pp

  - Somebody is cleaning the room now.     =  The room is being cleaned now.

  - She is cleaning carpets now.      =    The carpets are being cleaned now.

 ( We replaced "is" with " are" because the new subject "carpets" is plural )
